Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Subjective Tests

  • Subjective Video Quality Assessment Methods for Multimedia Applications [1]
    • Absolute category rating (ACR)
    • Absolute category rating with hidden reference (ACR-HR)
    • Degradation category rating (DCR)
    • Pair comparison method (PC)

  • The method of limits [2]
    • In [3], the authors found the JND (Just Noticeable Difference) and JUD (Just Unacceptable Difference) using this method for mixing video tiles with different resolutions.

[1] Subjective Video Quality Assessment Methods for Multimedia Applications, ITU-T Recommendation P.910, April. 2008.
[2] George A. Gescheider. 1997. Psychophysics: The Fundamentals. Psychology Press.
[3] Wang, Hui, Mun Choon Chan, and Wei Tsang Ooi. "Wireless multicast for zoomable video streaming." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) 12.1 (2015): 5.

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