Sunday, August 28, 2016

Adaptive Video Streaming Over LTE Networks

  • Improving QoE and Fairness in HTTP Adaptive Streaming over LTE Network [1]
    • The proposed algorithm can be used into two modes: client-side and network-assisted.
    • Authors have considered three elements to assign the rates
      • Client Buffer Size (DASH standard allows clients to report it)
      • Channel Condition 
      • Video Complexity
    • Experiments have been done in "ns2".
    • In their simulations, the available resources dedicated to streaming users is dynamically updated.
    • They have used SSIM as for the quality metric.

  • Optimization of HTTP adaptive streaming over mobile cellular networks [2]
    • They have considered data and video users at the same time.
    • They have used the same utility function for data and video users, however with different parameters.
      • All fairness utility functions are of the same form [3].
    • They didn't change the default proportionally fair scheduler inside eNB. They instructed that scheduler by providing it with GBR values. 
    • They compared their work with Best Effort and traditional GBR schedulers. 
      • All these schedulers share the same principle, described in [4].


[1] Cicalo, Sergio, et al. "Improving QoE and Fairness in HTTP Adaptive Streaming over LTE Network." (2015).
[2] D. De Vleeschauwer, H. Viswanathan, A. Beck, S. Benno, G. Li, and R. Miller, “Optimization of HTTP adaptive streaming over mobile cellular networks,” in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2013, pp. 898–997.
[3] M. Uchida, J. Kurose, “An Information-Theoretic Characterization of Weighted α-Proportional Fairness,” In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM'09, ( pp. 1053-1061)
[4] M. Andrews, L. Qian, A. Stlyar, “Optimal Utility Based Multi-user Throughput Allocation subject to Throughput Constraints,” In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM'05, Vol. 4, pp. 2415-2424, 2005

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