Thursday, August 11, 2016

Modeling the Internet Backbone Traffic

In [1], the probability distribution function of the cross-traffic for a backbone link has been considered as Gaussian. It is based on a study [2] on modeling the Internet backbone traffic at the flow level. The mean and variance of the rate of the cross-traffic are calculated in terms the average size and duration of the contributing flows.

[1] Hemmati, Mahdi, Abdulsalam Yassine, and Shervin Shirmohammadi. "A Dec-POMDP Model for Congestion Avoidance and Fair Allocation of Network Bandwidth in Rate-Adaptive Video Streaming." Computational Intelligence, 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on. IEEE, 2015.
[2] C. Barakat, P. Thiran, G. Iannaccone, C. Diot, and P. Owezarski, “Modeling Internet backbone traffic at the flow level,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 2111–2124, 2003.

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